Better tools for field studies
How can marine mammals under human care improve studies in the field?
Conserving and managing species in the wild requires the proper tools and data interpretation. Studies with our animals in the lab allow us to develop new technologies (FatMeter, QFASA) and properly interpret data collected from the field (diet determination, blood and hormone values, behaviour). We also assess possible impacts of field research on study animals (anesthesia effects, tag drag).
Recent studies:
Rosen D.A.S., C.G. Gerlinsky and A.W. Trites. 2018. Telemetry tags increase the costs of swimming in northern fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus. Marine Mammal Science 34:385-402
Gerlinsky C.D., M. Haulena, A.W. Trites and D.A.S. Rosen. 2018. Reference ranges and age-related and diving exercise effects on hematology and serum chemistry of female Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 49:18-29
Ladds M.A., D.A.S. Rosen, D.J. Slip and R.G. Harcourt. 2017. The utility of accelerometers to predict stroke rate in captive fur seals and sea lions. Biology Open 6:1396-1400